Right Start for the Male in the Journey called Marriage

by Cheryl Outram.


Do you have what it takes to have a lasting relationship?  Is your mind set to go the full distance? What are your conscious and unconscious thoughts and expectations about relationship?

Many men, like Adam, have a deep desire for a companion as Adam did in Genesis 2:18 – 25. God placed a desire for companionship and help within a man and likewise the desire within the woman to belong, to be protected and cherished.  Do we want to be in a relationship with the same person for 5, 10, 15, 20, 50 years or even until death?  Do we visualize forever with the individuals we desire to be with?

How can we divorce-proof relationships and really commit “until death do us part“? What ingredients do you think you must have to maintain a lasting relationship?

As I study the predicament that God placed Adam in, I realize that suitability is a critical and premier ingredient.  Marriage Suitability is defined as the quality of being right or appropriate for a particular person, purpose or situation.  Though Adam was surrounded by many animals, he made a critical observation that none of them were suitable for him.  What is noteworthy also is the fact that Genesis 2:18 clearly shows that this need for a spouse was initially placed in Adam by God himself.  Does your need for a spouse originate from your deficits as an individual? Do you lack income, attention, self-esteem, or is there any physical or emotional circumstance that would cause you to desire a partner? As we self reflect & self introspect, we must spend the time alone to know ourselves and our needs even as Adam did.  As Adam worked and spent time alone, he was able to identify his own needs and weaknesses.  I believe the first S.W.O.T analysis was conducted here. Adam was in a position to know what he needed in a mate based on the assessment of his own strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

Image compliments Alyce Vayle

His response in Genesis 2:23, “This is NOW bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman for she was taken out of man,” clearly is a clarion response that signaled that he had finally found suitability.  His needs were met.  The person that God created for him was part of him.  They both fit each other like hand in glove and nut and bolt.  Mr Right has found Mrs Right.

As you reflect on our own needs in relationship, what makes a person suitable for you? Do you need lots of attention and pampering? Do you need validation and response? Do you know what you are called to do as your life’s purpose and know who can assist you in the fulfillment of it?  How well do you know yourself and your needs as a man? Are you struggling with finding or committing to a suitable partner? Are you looking at the animals on your job or in your surroundings as relationship prospects?

Suitability in a woman is critical when considering the longevity of the relationship.  One cannot dispute the fact that even though Adam and Eve found themselves in dire straights as a couple by being put out of the garden of Eden, this did not cause a break up in their relationship. Furthermore, Genesis 4 shows that they stuck together and their family increased after the conflict in the relationship between them and God and each other. Come hell or high water, it seems as though their relationship was built to last.


My name is Cheryl Outram. I am a woman, mother, wife and christian. I serve as a Teacher, Counselor, Relationship Coach, Radio Personality, Pastor and Transformational Writer & Speaker. I do all of this to serve, encourage and inspire you. You can win. I want to cheer you on and see you win in your relationships. I want you to maximize your purpose, power and your potential. Whatever I have learnt, I share with you and I hope it is of some help to you. May God bless you as you read. Thanks for reading. Please share if you think it can help someone else. Stay the course and you will win. Call (246) 824-9288 to book your inspiring and transformational session. Let us win together.

1 Comment

  • Ken Pile

    March 9, 2021 - 6:13 pm

    I agree with you as you spoke about S.W.O.T and knowing your needs. A lot of persons about not honest about who they are; so they will never identify what are their true needs are; which can have it’s impact on a marriage.

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