
Self Mastery

Allow me to share a few thoughts on different personalities in relationships.  Do we need to be the same? Does differences in personalities in relationships mean failure? Are couples incompatible simply because they have seemingly polaric traits?

If I know myself, I can get along with others. If I know myself, I can live happily with others. If I know my weaknesses, I can appreciate other people’s strengths. If I know my struggles, I can see it in others. If I know my failures, I can empathize with others. If I know my potential, I can identify it in others.

When you don’t know yourself, you’ll always think other people have a problem. When you don’t recognize your weaknesses, you’ll always blame others for your failures. When you don’t know who you are, you can never live peacefully with others. You can never get along with others until you get along with yourself.
Relationships don’t break because of our differences but our failure to celebrate our differences.

Living together is a question of flexibility, not compatibility. We don’t need to be compatible to be team members. Working together as a team calls for flexibility for every team member.

I respect team-building activities. Undeniably, physical activities contribute to a team’s bonding and cohesiveness. But working together requires intentionality, not end-year fun activities.
Invariably your personal strengths will effortlessly wipe out your natural weaknesses.

Remember! the ultimate goal is to have a happy and healthy relationship.  When we are intentional about understanding our personality traits and differences, we can maximise our relationship potential and grow even stronger as a united team.  Oneness, not just togetherness requires intentionality!

If you like this article and want more help in this area, please contact Mr Ishmael Watkins at to book your Relationship Coaching Session.

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